
What is Deep Depression & its symptoms

What is Deep Depression & its symptoms

It sometimes happens that you feel sad or have prolonged feelings of disinterest in day-to-day activities, but do not know why. It can build up over time or be induced by a tragic event. Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy or a consistently low mood can be a result of a depressive disorder.

Depressive disorders can significantly affect a person’s activity, mood, productivity, and physical health. Getting treatment for your mental health issues is important – if you have been struggling with these issues for over a couple of weeks, it is important to get professionally diagnosed and start your treatment. Sometimes, it can be influenced because of an event which fades away. However, if it does not fade, it could be persistent depression or deep depression.

In this comprehensive blog, we will talk about the signs and symptoms of a deep depressive disorder and understand when you should turn to a professional for treatment.

Let’s get started!

Mood and focus

A person who needs depression treatment will exhibit very clear signs of moodiness. If you are feeling persistently low with the loss of joy in activities you used to be fond of partaking in, you might be struggling with deep depression. Consistent sadness for over two weeks is a strong symptom of prolonged depressive disorder.

Another aspect of having a low mood is the inability to concentrate. Be it work, hobbies, or daily activities, if you are facing difficulty in maintaining your focus along with being sad or irritable, it is a sign you should consult a mental health professional. It can help you get over your feelings of angst by providing a proper course of treatment.

Appetite issues

Issues with appetite are a big sign of deep depression, along with mood disorders. Some people overeat while some starve themselves. The issues can be extreme, with dramatic weight differences evidently visible in a certain period of time. These fluctuations in appetite and weight can be a sign you need a major depressive disorder treatment.

These issues with appetite can also have effects on your physical as well as neurological health. Deep depression can have a significant impact on your appetite as generally, people struggling with it typically enjoy food less or can seek the feel-good emotion from excessive consumption of food, both of which are unhealthy. This can cause an imbalance in nutrition that can harm your health.

Low energy levels

Because of irregular eating habits and imbalances in appetite, it is only logical that the energy levels one might have are significantly low. Pair that with prolonged feelings of sadness and you can experience unmatched fatigue and tiresomeness that can take your energy levels to extremely low.

You might find yourself not having even the energy to perform everyday tasks and feel a sense of constant overwhelm and tiredness. If you experience such fatigue persistently, it can be time to visit a mental health clinic for a consultation and subsequent course of treatment. It is crucial to get diagnosed and treated for your depression as it can affect your day-to-day functioning as well as have a negative impact on the overall quality of your life.

Issues with sleep

A glaring sign of depression alongside persistent sadness is issues with sleeping. Just like appetite, sleep can be imbalanced in extremities. Some people might sleep excessively and consistently feel drowsy and tired which is termed hypersomnia, while some might suffer from insomnia and stay up even when their body needs rest. Both of these extremes are, needless to say, harmful to the mental as well as physical health of a person.

Such issues with sleep can lead to impaired cognitive functioning, memory, as well as concentration. Some people might stay up late overthinking, which can have many adverse effects on the neurotransmitters in one’s brain, making life difficult. The importance of maintaining a healthy sleep cycle cannot be overstated – it helps in managing other symptoms of depression effectively.

Physical and physiological issues

Despite being a mental health issue, deep depression can also manifest itself as a physical illness. If you are struggling with depression, you might notice more frequent tension headaches which can sometimes translate to long-term migraines if not treated on time. Some people might also face digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, nausea, bloating, and more.

It is believed that depression is linked with heart issues – many people who struggle with deep depression can be at risk for heart attacks, cardiac arrest, or even strokes. Depression can also affect your libido and lead to sexual issues unless treated on time. There are a number of physical issues that depression carries, which makes it all the more imperative to treat timely to avoid further problems.


Many people suffering from depression also struggle with anxiety disorders as the two are very closely linked. Anxiety can be defined as a consistent feeling of restlessness and unease that worsens with time if not treated. This is one of the main reasons why anxiety treatment is a part of major depressive disorder treatment.

Excessive stress can drive more anxiety, which can in turn have an adverse effect on depression and worsen its symptoms. However, feeling anxious is, in itself, a symptom of depression. Both anxiety and depression are treatable and can get better with proper attention by a professional in the form of psychotherapy or medications.

Final thoughts

Seeking help for deep depression symptoms is crucial as for a long time, mental health was a stigmatised topic. However, with changing times and increased issues, it has become more talked about. More and more people want to seek depression treatment, but are unsure of when to start and what symptoms to look out for.

If you have consistently been feeling weary or inexplicably sad with low energy levels, are facing issues with appetite and sleep, and have physical issues such as digestive, neurological, or sexual problems, it is important that you consult a professional to get diagnosed for depression and begin treatment for the same. 

Read more: Overview of Mental Health: Examining the Definition, Signs, and Treatments of Depression
 Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

About the author


Passionate writer and author dedicated to crafting engaging content that informs, inspires, and connects with readers. With a flair for storytelling and a love for words, I aim to bring unique perspectives to every piece I create.

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