The services of cloud storage are so good that just by using a net connection you can access your stored data from any place.
Now it is no longer necessary to keep your laptop or tablet or any other device always with you. It looks so convenient to use this service but sometimes several security concerns can be raised in using cloud storage while uploading data.
As an example, there is no surety by which another person your sensitive information is accessed.
A few extra efforts are required to be done so that no other person can access your data. Now I am going to describe 9 ways to achieve data security in the cloud.
1. Always keep a backup of data
If you want to manage data properly then it is necessary to keep the backup of data. Electronic copies of your information must be maintained separately so that in case of losing the data you can obtain it easily.
Suppose you are using a service of cloud storage then for maintaining its backup you have to make an account on associate cloud storage.
A thumb drive or a hard disk can be used for storing the data externally. With this, you can obtain the data even if the internet is not available.
2. Storing sensitive information must be avoided
Sensitive data should not be stored in the cloud because you cannot trust the internet to provide you with real privacy.
As identity theft is increasing at a rapid rate, so it should not be used for keeping confidential files in a stored form. Your home address, national identification number, credit card number or any other personal information should not be stored in the cloud.
Only that information which you want to obtain and use frequently should be stored here. But if you want to store personally identifiable information (PII) here then before uploading it you should encrypt it.
3. Those services of cloud should be used which allow encryption of data
If you want to keep your confidential information safe then those services of cloud storage must be used which encrypt the information locally.
By doing this only that person can access the information who will decrypt it and it will also help in protecting the information from administrators and service providers.
4. Before uploading the information in the cloud you should encrypt it
Suppose you are not interested in using the services of the cloud for encrypting the information then it can be easily done by using a 3rd party tool.
An app for cloud protection needs to be downloaded for this and before uploading the files to the cloud, secret key sequences are required to be generated and a password has to be applied also.
5. Cloud service provider’s each small print should be read by you
Sometimes sharing of files and photos is also required along with the cloud services which you use for uploading the information.
It may be included in their terms of service in the form of a fine print. Thus, before using these services you should check to see if any bad reviews are present on the internet about these. If bad reviews are present then you should not use these kinds of services.
6. A strong password must always be used for this
While using these services, a strong password is required to be set by you so that your information remains protected against the hackers. For making a good password you have to use some tips that are present on the net.
The same password must not be used on any other online account and make a habit of changing it after a certain period of time. Also, the password should be unique and strong.
For logging-in, two-step verification can be used by you. Your mobile phone will receive a verification code and after entering this code you can use the required services.
7. You need to be very careful while taking part in any online activity
Your online behaviour is responsible for your cloud data security. A lot of people must have seen that when logging in on a PC for using a service on the internet, an option comes which says that “do you want to save your password or never do it”.
If you save it then you are letting it be exposed to the unauthorized people to access your information. In various public places there are Wi-Fi hotspots that are unencrypted.
Have you ever connected to these for logging in to your account? It is possible that on the same network a hacker is present. He can easily sniff on your activities going on that account because these connections are not encrypted.
8. Use an anti-spy app or anti-virus to protect your system
The PC that is used to log-in can result as a weakest link while making the use of a cloud service provider.
If your system is not protected then a virus or bug can easily reach it and will allow a hacker to use your data for his own purpose.
There is a virus known as Keylogger Trojan by which your password and ID can be easily hacked by the hackers. So, you should give proper protection to your PC.
9. Always make sure that Compliance Certifications are provided with the cloud service
With this certification an independent party performs rigorous audit of the service that you are using.
So, if a cloud service provider is SOC2 certified then it means that it has gone through each level of the audit and passed it too.
In order to ensure that the cloud service provider is good there is a regulation known as HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).
But here it is necessary that BAA (Business Associate Agreement) is signed by the provider. An important thing to note here is that HIPAA will not protect your information if it is put by a system in another country.
For collecting information about the visitors reaching your site you will require Pardot form development. With this, you can easily identify the visitors.
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