Your home is as secure as its location will allow for – which means that you need to take extra precautions wherever you live in case of an emergency or natural disaster.
Whether it’s a high-rise building or a more standard two-story unit, having an emergency response plan is essential in case of an emergency.
Here are the eight pieces of equipment that you need to have handy in case of emergency:
1. First Aid Kit
This is an essential piece of equipment, and it’s one you should always have on hand at home. It should include basic supplies such as bandages, gauze pads, antibiotic ointments, and antiseptic wipes. You should also have a first aid kit that contains more advanced medical supplies such as tweezers, scissors, and a pair of forceps.
2. Fire Extinguisher
A fire extinguisher is a great way to protect yourself from any fire that might break out in your home. It’s also helpful in case of a power outage, and it can prevent damage and injury from smoke inhalation.
You can find them in most apartments, but you should check with your landlord or property manager before purchasing one for your house.
You don’t necessarily need to own a fire extinguisher, but it’s an essential piece of equipment that can help you in extreme situations. They should come with a written warning, “Do not use this fire extinguisher for any other purpose than to put out a fire.”
3. Flashlight
You can’t live in complete darkness. You need some light in your apartment for basic tasks such as reading, cooking, and doing laundry. Of course, you’ll need a flashlight if you decide to go out at night – but it can also be handy in an emergency.
You should be able to find a flashlight that is small enough to fit into a pocket but also strong enough to illuminate your way through the darkest of rooms. Extra batteries for the flashlight are also a good idea. If your power is out and you have no way to charge your phone, you should have a flashlight that you can use for light.
4. Local Maps
It’s important to know where you are and where you are going. The local maps showing the location of public utilities, gas stations, and grocery stores can be a valuable resource in an emergency.
If your power is out or your phone is dead, you must know where the nearest hospital is located. It’s also essential to understand how to get around your area in case of an emergency.
5. Manual Can Opener
Your emergency food kit will probably contain more than one can of food. You don’t want to waste your time opening cans when you could be eating. A manual can opener is a great way to ensure that you can access your stored goods and eat until rescue arrives.
6. Supplies For Your Pet
Your pet is a member of your family, and you should take care of them just like you would your human family. You don’t want to be stuck with a sick animal in your apartment.
If you have a pet, make sure that you have the supplies to take care of them in an emergency. Store some extra cans of their food, gallons of water for them to drink, and anything else they might need.
7. Wrench or Pliers
It’s essential to be able to fix things around your home. You should also have the tools to do so. It’s a good idea to have a wrench or pliers if you need to fix something broken in your home.
If you don’t know how to work on things around your house, it would be helpful for you to have the tools that can help you out. You might also consider safekeeping a bundle of custom tarps that can help you cover any broken windows, car doors, etc.
8. Dust Mask
A dust mask can be helpful if there’s a lot of debris both inside and outside of your home after emergency strikes. If you have asthma, you should have a dust mask. If you are in the city, it’s probably not good to go outside without your cover. The dust that is in the air is not suitable for your health.
Closing Thought
It’s essential to have an emergency kit that can help you out in case of an unexpected situation. The items mentioned above are just some of the most useful ones. You should also make sure that you have a basic understanding of using your emergency kit so that you don’t waste your time when you need it most.
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