Having a routine exercise is beneficial for your health. Moreover, the right set of exercises can be very good for prevention of back pain.
A holistic routine that targets your back involves three key exercise types: core, cardio and stretching.
There are different kinds of exercises that you can try but it is important to note that before trying out any of these, it is best to consult your doctor, just in case you have special needs that must be taken into consideration.
It is also wise to attend a class or two in the fitness centre, gym or yoga studio, under the instruction of a personal trainer or instructor, before trying these exercises out all by yourself.
Core Exercises to get rid off back-pain
Core exercises are great for back pain prevention. A weak core can result in back pains, as your back muscles tend to compensate for the abdomen.
Core exercises strengthen your abdomen area so it can be strong enough to share the considerable load that your back would otherwise have to bear.
There are different kinds of core exercises that you can try. One of the popular ones is the plank.
The plank is ideal for people who want to start building their core strength without putting much strain on their back (unlike sit-ups). You can try the full or half plank.
The half or in some cases, quarter sit-ups are also great core exercises. Basically, instead of doing the full sit-up that goes all the way to your knees, just lift your upper body, with focus on your core, and keep doing this for four intervals of eights.
Remember to breathe steadily during this exercise. This is also a good way to slowly build your core strength as you increase your intervals at a gradual pace.
Cardio exercises
Strengthening your core and your back should be backed up by aerobic exercises. Cardio routines such as swimming or jogging are great for your back too.
Swimming is considered as a full-body workout as your whole body is engaged when you do your laps, so spending thirty minutes or so in the pool might be a great idea.
Jogging is also a great cardio exercise. Remember to consult your trainer before doing strenuous running, to make sure you don’t get knee injuries.
Stretching and toning exercises
Yoga and pilates are great for back pain prevention. The breathing practice combined with the poses is a great way to warm up muscles that you do not normally use, such as your lower back muscles.
There are specific yoga poses that promote the prevention of back pain. The two-knee twist is a favourite and is very easy to do. Lie on your back, bend your knees to your chest and spread your arms sideways.
As you exhale, you bring your knee to the ground, starting from one side. Keep your shoulders pressed to the ground as you do this. Breathe through this pose before doing the other side.
This is great for your lower back. There are other poses that you can do, but it’s best to ask your yoga or pilates instructor about what best suits you give your physique and background.
4 common causes of lower back pain
There are various possible reasons why people experience lower back pain. Common complaints would be feeling pain after picking up heavy boxes or objects.
This might be caused by physical strain on the back muscles due to the uneven distribution of weight load, causing pain on the lower back.
Another possible reason would be prolonged position, causing strain on the lower back. Psychological stress and anxiety can also cause chronic lower back pains.
Here are four common causes of lower back pain and how you can best deal with each.
1 – Poor Posture
The famous sedentary lifestyle of sitting on your desk chair eight hours a day does not do lots of good to your posture.
Sitting down on our desk can strain your lower back causing pain and discomfort.
Slouching and not walking with your spine properly supported can also cause lower back pain.
The good news is that poor posture can be easily remedied through physical correction and mindfulness.
Some things you can try are as follows. You can correct your standing posture by putting your whole body against a wall so you are propped up straight.
You can practice mindfulness when doing this by being aware of the tension that you may find on your shoulders, neck and lower back.
Take a deep breath and let your shoulders fall down naturally so you don’t strain your neck, and try to get a feel of how you should be standing. You can practice this regularly to get used to the proper posture.
To correct your sitting posture, you can practice by keeping you back straight. Getting an ergonomically designed chair will also help.
2 – Lack of or no Exercise
Strengthening key muscle groups like your lower back and abdomen or core area is key to preventing lower back pain. When one group overcompensates for the none performance of the other, that’s when pain develops due to strain.
Not having any aerobic exercise also contributes to susceptibility to lower back pain since respective areas of your body do not get the work out they need to properly regulate and develop, creating imbalances in your body.
Taking time to walk or jog will help correct your posture as this helps work out your lower back and burns fat, helping you strengthen your score further.
Core exercises are also good for your lower back, as well as back exercises. You can try doing a reverse sit-up, where you lie on your stomach and put your hands behind your neck.
In steady breathes, you move your upper body at regular intervals while keeping the rest of your body firm on the ground.
3 – Aging
Ageing causes degeneration in the bones and the discs, causing possible lower back pain conditions such as a herniated disc. While these are common to age people, these can be prevented.
Proper diet in preparation for the loss of key nutrients as people age, is one way to prevent this.
Having the right daily intake of calcium might be something you can do. Doing regular exercise is also one way to arrest age-related back pains.
4 – Physical Activities
The fourth common cause of lower back pain is physical activities that cause injuries and strains in the lower back.
Doing heavy physical activity without warming up can also induce back pain. You can avoid this by stretching before doing physical activities.
Heavy lifting can cause lower back pain. Knowing the proper way to support your back when doing mechanical work can help protect you from lower back pains and injuries.
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