The best and finest quality of taking an Ayurvedic Treatment is that one need not worry about the side effects.
Ayurveda is the alternative medicine system that has its historical roots in Indian subcontinents.
There are different diseases to which Ayurvedic treatments provide relief. Multiple Sclerosis treatment is one among such ayurvedic treatments.
What is multiple sclerosis?
Multiple Sclerosis is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and the spinal cord. It is an inflammatory disorder that affects the nerve fibres and myelin membrane.
In Multiple Sclerosis, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers which results in the loss of communication between the brain and the rest of the body.
The signs and symptoms of this may vary depending on the nerves affected and the amount of damage that occurred to the same.
The severity may exceed upto the inability of an affected person to walk independently. Other symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis include vision loss, pain, impaired coordination, fatigue, etc.
Multiple Sclerosis is mainly of four types including Relapsing-Remitting MS, Secondary- Progressive MS, Primary-Progressive MS, Progressive – Relapsing MS.
Multiple sclerosis and treatment with the help of Ayurveda
According to the Ayurvedic approach, a number of imbalances play a vital role in Multiple Sclerosis. This includes the accumulations of impurities and disturbances in Vata Doshas which is considered to be the governing principle that controls the overall level of balance and activation of the nervous system.
While considering Allopathic Treatment there is excessive usage of corticosteroids and there are chances that the patients get more ill-health. Ayurveda offers a safe and effective form of therapy for Multiple Sclerosis. In the Ayurvedic approach, Demyelination symptoms are indicated in different ways.
Majjadhatukshayam is a kind of symptom where the decrease in Majja(Bone Marrow) may result in (Asthisoushirya) osteoporosis, (Bhrama)giddiness, and (Timiradarshana)dimness of vision.
Kapha Kshayam is a symptom that shows decreased Kapha causing Bhrama, empty feeling of Sleshmakshaya, Hridrava (palpitation), and Sandhishaithilya (laxity of joints).
Ojakshayam symptoms result from the decreased Oja which is due to anger, hunger, constant thinking, grief, etc. This may result in phobias, loss of strength, sensory disturbance, loss of complexion, and many more.
Ayurvedic treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is varied, long term, and thus may sometimes be considered complicated. The medication or treatment pattern is always kept unique for each patient which restricts the usage of the same medicine to different individuals.
Ayurvedic Treatment for multiple sclerosis includes the combinations to improve digestion, detoxification, nourishment, and strengthening of the brain and nervous systems.
All the treatments involved in Ayurveda demand certain rules and regulations to be followed. So the person taking a herbal ayurvedic treatment must strictly follow all these instructions.
Effectiveness of Ayurvedic Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis
Like the effectiveness of Ayurvedic Treatment for various diseases, it is found effective in curing multiple sclerosis as well. Ayurvedic medication, along with a healthy diet, lifestyle practices, and Shamana Therapy can enhance the chances of curing multiple sclerosis.
A healthy diet is to be focused mainly to boost the result of ayurvedic treatment for multiple sclerosis. Spices are allowed in Ayurveda Treatment, but it is not recommended that your dishes turn out to be fiery hot.
Among the treatments used for Multiple Sclerosis, the main ingredient used is the Ashwagandha, which focuses on the stimulation and regeneration of the nervous system, as well as to soothe the mind.
Since every medicine has its unique way of helping the patient, the way of intake also depends on the individual. Chyawanprash is another ingredient in the list of ayurvedic treatments prescribed for Multiple Sclerosis.
As Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, Chyawanprash is recommended to modulate human immunity.
Along with the medications, certain diet plans are also suggested by ayurvedic experts. Mostly, vegetarian diet plans are advised to a patient who undergoes ayurvedic Treatments.
Multiple sclerosis is considered to be a result of imbalances in Vata Doshas, the food items which are more fluid, heavy, oily, and warm are suggested. The diet demands to avoid bitter and astringent foods. Food items that are too spicy are not recommended, however, relaxation is allowed to spices like black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, etc.
A result with the least side effect is always claimed by Ayurvedic Treatment for multiple sclerosis.
When it comes to ayurvedic treatment, Kerala is the ideal place. Therefore, ayurvedic treatment in Kerala has a lot to do to help patients suffering from multiple sclerosis.
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